Our experience, background and creativity is marked by practical, time-tested and proven specialised competence and performance with acknowledged direct insurance and reinsurance companies. The core team has a total of more than 200 years of experience in the European insurance industry.
Gerald König
Chairman of the Board
Berndt Räder
Siggi Busch
Member of the Board
We mourn the loss of our company founder, long-standing CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Berndt was a visionary who pursued his goals with enthusiasm, passion and humor.
Close to 30 years active in the reinsurance business. Possesses many years of experience in guiding local and global teams on an exe-cutive and directorate level. Compre-hensive knowledge in the areas of marketing, strategic developments, account management, underwriting and process optimization. Intensive network in the primary insurance and reinsurance in continental Europe and on the London market.
Over 25 years experiance as senior legal counsel at Swiss Re and worked in various functions in the areas of claims, regulatory affairs and compliance.
Over 25 years experience in the reinsurance business managing multicultural teams and leadership in Switzerland and abroad.
We mourn the loss of our company founder, long-standing CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Berndt was a visionary
who pursued his goals with enthusiasm, passion and humor.
we miss you and thank you!
Siggi, co-founder and owner of WUBI GmbH, is an entrepreneurial (re)insurance veteran with more than 30 years industry experience in various leading roles – mostly in P&C, but also L+H.
Dagmar Busch
Managing Director
30 years of comprehensive knowledge in the areas of marketing, strategic developments, account management, underwriting and process optimization.
Dagmar Busch is an unconventional HR person with a background of German tax law and international relocation management experience. Compassion for people paired with analytical skills are her tools for mastering her daily tasks.
Christoph Tschannen
Managing Director
Dr. Arno Junke
Christoph Tschannen is a member of the executive management team and the key figure in financial accounting.
Christoph Tschannen oversees all activities related to income auditing, accounts payable & receivable processing and handles all FINMA related regulatory reporting. His excellent strategic and interlinked way of thinking shows why he is a member of the executive manage-ment team and the key figure in financial accounting. With a 25-year career span as an athlete and coach, he has acquired outstanding leadership, teambuilding and visionary skills.
More than 25 years in various executive management and board assignments with major German and U.S. players in the insurance and reinsurance industry.
Arno Junke is an entrepreneurial business leader with a proven track record of working across cultures and in different regulatory environments. He is recognized as a technical underwriting and risk management expert. More than 25 years in various executive management and board assignments with major German and U.S. players in the insurance and reinsurance industry.
Dr. Rolf Nebel
Head Legal & Compliance
Rolf Nebel is an experienced reinsurance lawyer. During his over 25 years carrier as senior legal counsel at Swiss Re he worked in various functions in the areas of claims, regulatory affairs and com-pliance. Rolf Nebel is a renowned expert in reinsurance contract law, European and Swiss insurance supervision law and Compliance matters.
John Epstein
Head Technical Accounting
Rita Lötscher
Senior Consultant
Over 30 years of experience in technical accounting, claims management and contract administration.
An unconventional HR person with a background of German tax law and international relocation management experience.
Rita Lötscher has a solid risk mana-gement, leadership and adult edu-cational background combined with a long-standing experience in re-insurance and training. She started her career as client manager and treaty underwriter for engineering lines of business, facultative property underwriter for London market brokers and became a member of the senior management and head of the technical training department of a leading reinsurer.
John Epstein has a proven track record and more than 30 years of experience in technical accounting, claims management and contract administration. John brings along comprehensive project experience in the operative reinsurance business including outsourcing to service centres.
Viktor Bisang
Head Run-off
Over 35 years experience in senior and executive positions in the primary insurance industry. Entrepreneurial generalist and sales person.
Viktor Bisang started his career in insurance almost 40 years ago and has many years’ experience in senior and executive positions in the primary insurance industry. Entrepre-neurial generalist, who is a strong team player, communicator and sales person.